GK-7 Plus

Controller with an embedded GPRS modem that automatically communicates with the web site www.dieselplus.net. Required a DieselPlus licence to get the user and password. Automatic reception of the lists in your email.


  • Data consultation of your supplies, dispenser configuration from any device connect to the Internet or from the APP installed in your smartphone.
  • The own consumption controller is intended for the supply control, allowing its use only to authorised personnel.
  • Supply with or without litre preset
  • User and/or vehicle identification through numerical code or
  • iButton keys. Other identification systems available.
  • Internal key for the manual starting in case of an electronics breakdown. From the software it will be detected if the kit has been started in the manual mode “fraudulently”.
  • Bidirectional communication with the software which allows to configure, create users and vehicles
    Different systems for the data base integration with your own software, ERP or accounting system


  • Voltage: 110 or 230 VAC 50 Hz or 12/24 VDC · Built-in filter
  • Frontal: alphanumeric LCD Display of 4 lines and 20 characters
  • Identification key reader
  • Service temperature: 0 to 40 ºC
  • Relative air humidity: among 20 and 80 %


The kit allows to define different stages to be adjusted to the customer’s requirements:

  • User identification: It is specially useful for identifying only who is supplying.
  • Vehicle identification: It is specially useful for identifying and controlling the vehicles and their consumption, without identifying the users.
  • User and vehicle identification: it is the most complete system offering a high level of security. It is specially useful for installations with a high number of users and/or vehicles, or where the users often change the vehicle.

The supply kit with GK-7Plus controls:

  • the supply hour and date
  • the users
  • the vehicles
  • the supplied litres by users and/or vehicles
  • the kilometres (milles) (or hours) and the consumption
  • litre stock of the tank

The query and configuration operations can be made from the PC, and it is possible :

  • to input and delete the users and/or vehicles
  • to assign or change the codes or keys of the users and/or vehicles
  • to calibrate the kit
  • to check the done supplies
  • to check and regularise the tank stock
  • to export the information to an Excel or .txt (text) format in order to export it to other data base systems or programs;
  • to access the information control with permissions for different user profiles.

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